They say “Words have power” and “Be careful what you wish for you just might get it”. An angry orphan curses her social worker after she admits she can’t adopt her and they crash. Will they survive or. . . r is their family Wrecked. I wrote, Directed, and produced this movie show more
- Beautiful
- Courageous
- Inspiring
- Jaw-Dropping
Casey4 years ago
Wild ride! That twist gave me whiplash lol! Awesome!!! I should’ve buckled my seatbelt before watching that one! I wasn’t ready!!!
Squiz4 years ago
Amazing how great movies can make you feel so much in so little time. I ran through the gambit on this one! Laughter, fun, anger, gut punch, then more tears! I really needed this today! Thank you! So good!
Carole4 years ago
If you love someone you’ll do anything for them! It seems to me that the social worker loved the little girl but was scared to take the risk of adopting her! And I love this little girl! All she wants is to be loved but she’s been hurt so much she’s afraid to risk being honest so she hides behind anger and sarcasm. Both characters are afraid to take a chance on the other so they push each other away. Always take the risk because in the end you might be too late! This movie is so deep and powerful! The filmmaker really has a gift for tugging on the heartstrings one moment and punching the audience in the gut in the next (In a good way of course). AMAZING WORK!
Mack4 years ago
The narrative swept me away early on and I thought I knew who the antagonist was. But I was shocked to realize that our hero was hiding behind a mask of makeup and anger! The way she fought for her friend who she secretly wished could be her mother clawed at my insides! Amazing!
H4 years ago
Powerful visuals. Great story! Made me want to adopt the little girl!
Bert4 years ago
This gave me chills!
Jenny4 years ago
My kids laughed and laughed at the burping monster intro. This was such a powerful movie! Great twist at the end, it broke my heart but in a good way! It shows how family can come in all forms and we can’t forget adoption!