Telluride Brewing Company
AT THE END OF THE DAY, It’s ALL about the BEER Adventure brought us to these mountains. Friendship made us stay. Community made Telluride our home. These beers bring the best of these to you. Our bee. . . er comes straight from Rocky Mountain snowmelt and is made from premium malts, hops, and yeasts that create rich aromas and smooth-tasting flavors. Please join us in celebrating the special spirit of Telluride from one of the highest microbreweries in the world show more
Drew8 years ago
Well done short film about an exciting, dynamic company! Ascent Vision looks like a business to watch.
Christian8 years ago
What an awesome short film about a truly inspiring small business started in rural Montana.
Christian8 years ago
What an incredible story of a company built on great leadership and a team that can thrive in it's industry. A shame these films are limited to only 2 minutes, I would loved to have seen more about Ascent Vision!
Lee8 years ago
Great Job, by a fantastic team who has put it all on the line to grow at an incredible rate. This remarkable short is well-done to convey the spirit of entrepreneurship from a young leader and a dedicated team. Thanks to all involved on the business and the filming side!