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The Jed and Maisie Story excerpt


Chloe Wine Collection

This video competed in
The She Directed Filmmaker Contest

Director(s): Juliet Johnson and Venita Ozols-Graham

LIFT is one episode of the JED AND MAISIE STORY and what you are seeing is a two minute excerpt of that episode.  THE JED AND MAISIE STORY is the creative inspiration of Juliet Johnson (the writer, co-director, co-producer) and Venita Ozols-Graham (the co-director, co-producer) and was conceived to be an independent feature film or a web series about an impossible relationship that just won't stop exasperating. We have completed two chapters (one called CHICKEN and the other is LIFT). The majority of the key crew were women in the industry (DP, Sound Recordist, Sound Mix). 

  • Beautiful
  • Courageous
  • Fascinating
  • Funny
  • Ingenious
  • Inspiring


  • Jo

    Natalie Schwan