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HOLY WARS "Back to Life" Music Video (TRT 4min 16s) "Enthralling, cinematic world...a David Lynch-inspired fete peppered with turmoil and the surreal fragility of nature and the other world." - LADYGUNN *** KEPLER X-47 (TRT 13 min 14s) Starring BELLA DAYNE (TROY, HUMANS, THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE, GUERRILLA) A woman is forced to adjust to a new life in a human zoo exhibit on an alien planet. “Living in a human zoo on an alien planet is as crazy as it sounds” - GIZMODO “STUNNING…combines an INTRIGUING PREMISE with beautiful visuals…you’re definitely going to want to catch it” - SciFiNow “EXQUISITE cinematography… impressive musical score…BEAUTIFULLY CRAFTED” - Huffington Post “Pairing a rich melodically eerie tone with Victorian costumes furthers the enchantment and its oddity…the TENSION IS EASILY FELT THROUGHOUT EVERY SCENE” - Dual Pixels “The jury is unanimous. We award the Mary Shelley prize to Erin Li for her original vision, rigorous world-building, and creative storytelling in her impressive short film, Kepler X-47. We look forward to seeing Erin grow as a bold new voice in the SciFi genre.” - Anne Chaisson, Executive Director Hamptons International Film Festival - Alysia Reiner, Producer/Founder Broad Street Pictures (EQUITY), actress (ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK) - Sarah Adina Smith, writer/director BUSTER'S MAL HEART, THE MIDNIGHT SWIM