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This video competed in
2022 BESLA Film Festival

Director(s): Elmer Ellis

The story follows the struggle of the main character Chris who is battling a weed addiction. After getting a call from his Mom about failing school and quitting Photography, Chris procrastinates from doing his work and takes a walk. Chris, while walking, sees someone taking pictures on the sidewalk with a photographer, and he stares at them continuously while smoking. Chris approaches the photographer and begins to ask questions about his passion for Photography. The photographer gives Chris valuable knowledge during the conversation to get Chris back into his groove. Elmer Ellis Jr.Director Elmer Ellis Jr.Writer Aaron Parish DeanProducer Joe Marcus JohnsonProducer Tyrontae LongKey Cast"Chris" Collin ConceptionKey Cast"Nate " Chantel LoweKey Cast"Mother " Caroline WhitfieldKey Cast"Model " Omar ToumbouKey Cast"Photographer(Garret)" Jilani SuttonDirector of Photography Ariana GilchristProduction Designer David BishopMusic Composer Kim CampbellGaffer Aaron Parish DeanProduction Supervisor Micah AnthonyFirst Camera Operator Malik MarcellSecond Camera Operator Tyrese HumsFirst Grip Company Aaron Parish DeanScript Supervisor

