"Ollie" is an atypical musical film about an estranged family reuniting to bury their beloved dog, attempting to salvage their damaged relationship in the process. Ollie was my life for nearly two ye. . . ears and a dive into more personal subject matter for me. It began as my senior thesis film project at Watkins College when I decided I wanted to make a musical just for me; though I love many musical films, few existed with the kind of music I liked. I went the opposite direction of the classic Hollywood musical at every turn; instead of glitzy, lighthearted, and spectacular, "Ollie" is stark, cold, and intimate. This approach takes us deeper into the internal lives of the characters and uses musical numbers to explore these interiors rather than provide mere spectacle that puts a pause on the narrative. I played many roles in "Ollie;" I was screenwriter, director, producer, and editor. I wrote three of the four original songs, provided the lead vocals, and played the guitars on the soundtrack. I hope it can share its message of forgiveness and reconciliation with you as strongly as I feel it when I watch it show more