Thanks Josh. Yes he did travel in time with that and I get to do the editing better so that is more clear. I was rushed with editing because my film crew all disappeared and I ended up doing it all myself with a very short amount of time to finish for the competition it was in.
I love the moment where we see him as a little kid playing with the clock. I'm wondering, is this a memory or did he just time travel without realizing it? Or did he time travel as a toddler and that's what started everything? Little moments like that are really what make time travel stories compelling... and that one is gold.
Sandra9 years ago - Edited
Nice film, very clever. Fine work!
Cher9 years ago - Edited
Thanks Josh. Yes he did travel in time with that and I get to do the editing better so that is more clear. I was rushed with editing because my film crew all disappeared and I ended up doing it all myself with a very short amount of time to finish for the competition it was in.
Josh9 years ago - Edited
I love the moment where we see him as a little kid playing with the clock. I'm wondering, is this a memory or did he just time travel without realizing it? Or did he time travel as a toddler and that's what started everything? Little moments like that are really what make time travel stories compelling... and that one is gold.
Brian9 years ago - Edited
I still love the opening to this piece! It works. :)
Cher9 years ago - Edited
Thank you Brian. Now I want to get the whole thing working. :D