"Sliding Upward, an irreverent guide to skiing, meditation, and life" is a feature-length documentary style meditative excursion into a winter wonderland in Montana, playing with the idea that Nordic . . . skiing is not just a sport, but a recipe for life. Based on my personal mantra: "When you feel you can go no further, concentrate on taking just one more beautiful stride" Sliding Upward" is going to be a nonauthoritative introduction to an underrepresented sport and life in general. Currently, there are podcast episodes with Alison Owen Bradley, first US nordic ski female Olympian, my former boss Doug Warner an avid caver, Cliff Montagne, one of the original founders and current board member of the Nordic ski area currently named Crosscut, Dragan Danevski first head of Bozeman Ski Foundation Nordic division and Sandra Knapp my amazing guru and role model responsible for my personal love of skiing. Additionally, we follow Christina Hayes as she goes from being an exercise noob to incorporating training into her busy life and the ripple effect of her personal change, affecting people around her show more
Dee6 years ago
Love you Ms Film Writer!
Ken6 years ago
Livin your dream Rae Ann way to go!!
Brit6 years ago
Sooo Amazing ????
Laura6 years ago
So Awesome!
Sandra6 years ago
Stephanie6 years ago
You are amazing!!!
Lynette6 years ago
Love it! Every woman with a dog can relate!
Cindy6 years ago
Awesome job Rae Ann