American Legion LeRoy Hill Post 19
American Legion LeRoy Hill Post 19 is located in Gardner, KS. Our post is made up of our family of Legionnaires, Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion Riders. We have 5 empl. . . loyees and 500 members. The Post runs a bar and we also organize, fund and facilitate many fundraisers and community events throughout the year like… Blood drives, Painting Parties, Shuffleboard Tournament, Mouse Races, Community Easter Egg Hunt, Helmet Block, Memorial Day Breakfast, Color Guards, Parades, Honor Flight, Santa Shop, Mountain Oyster Feed, along with facilitating fund raisers for Veterans in need and those in the community who are facing adversity in their lives. We're also a local polling station for elections. We order our own supplies, we pay our vendors, we file our taxes, we run our club bar, we cook, we clean, if something breaks – we fix it. We've renovated two thirds of our buildings in the past 4 years. We band together to do what needs to be done so our building and it’s operations are never hindering our efforts to serve those who have served for us. We have learned leadership, teamwork, accounting, tax filing, licensing, inspections, organizing and coordinating volunteers and events, cooperation, conflict resolution, and marketing. We work together, we’ve served together, we’ve supported those who have served together, and we will continue to learn, innovate and perpetuate our cause and support our community, children’s causes, and our Veteran show more
- Informative
- Inspiring
- Jaw-Dropping
- Persuasive
Mary8 years ago
Great job
Mary8 years ago
Amy8 years ago
Kelly8 years ago
Adrianna8 years ago
Great job American Legion Post #19, Gardner Kansas!!! Happy to be a part and serve with this fantastic non-profit organization.
Joseph8 years ago
I want to say after reviewing several other films that have more votes against the American Legion Leroy Hill Post 19. The factor that I see about this film is that they are a nonprofit org. That makes them a truly different org that provides for themselves and for their community. Outstanding
Robert8 years ago
This is an awesome group of people that does a lot for different folks in need and organizations. Proud to belong and ride with ya.
Ron8 years ago
Proud to belong to this group of riders