PANIC Madrid
Panic is a bakery located in Madrid (Spain). What makes this bakery different from all the rest is the way they mix ancient techniques with new technologies. They make bread using traditional tools bu. . . ut also try to create a community around the bread teaching classes (so people can bake bread at their own houses) and working with different associations to help people with disabilities show more
Linda8 years ago
Great entrepreneurial story! Stay at home mom creates beautiful clothing for breast feeding moms!!!
Linda8 years ago
Andrew8 years ago
Moving personal film, excellent trailer. Photos are superb!
Lynn8 years ago
Great job,love it
Lancelot8 years ago
Super projet ! Congrats !!
MEUCCI8 years ago
Quel beau projet ! On ne peut qu'y adhérer ! Simplicité, originalité, durabilité : c'est dans l'air du temps ! Message à toutes les futures mamans !!
Delarue8 years ago
Superbe moment où l'on se laisse emporter dans cette aventure, par ce projet tout en couleur autour de robes magnifiquement bien pensées! Bravo
Emilie8 years ago
Amazing and beatiful !!
Norman8 years ago
Wow this is so cool!
Maison8 years ago
Will did a great job capturing the sustainable chic engagement of my brand as well as showing the struggles one has to overcome when creating a small business. And he managed to find a positive way to go around my strong french accent! I could not be happier with the result and he deserves your support.