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A Namoradeira - A Perfect World


Synopsis: Struggling to escape a hideous secret, Lucia escapes to her inner world in search of refuge. "A Namoradeira", in english translated as "A Perfect World" is a poetic denunciation of sexual. . . l abuse within the family. We wish to expiate this message to the world as a form of protest and alert for all the victims. STARRING: Julia Carvalho Sheron Menezzes Pedro Sá Moraes Polly Marinho Mariana Oliveira Cridemar Aquino DIRECTED BY,: Licínio Januário Co-DIRECTED By: Jessica Barbosa Director of Photography: Bony Conteville Script: Veralindá Ménezes and Licínio Januário Assistent Director :Sol Menezzes Prodution : Príncipes Negros Cultural Co-prodution: Bará Filmes Assistent of Producion: Juliana Nascimento Assistent of Photographya: Lucas Magalhães Executive Producer : Licínio Januário Art Director: Giulia Maria Reis Assistent Art Director: Carolina Frossard Costume: Patrick Ramos Make Up: Beatriz Nonato Sound: Thiago de Deus Sound Assistant : Carlos Alexandre Music By : André Muato Editor : Alberto Cuevas Color: Bony Conteville and Diogo Comu  show more

