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The book "Scouting in Catalonia" is an invitation to view a land, some landscapes and the mark made by those who live there, through the eyes of professionals who often remain unknown outside their professional realm: location scouts and location managers, individuals who know how to find in every corner of our geography the spaces that will be seen by many people around the world. As an overview of what Catalonia has to offer in terms of locations available to audiovisual producers, the ebook version of "Scouting in Catalonia" is an enhanced version of the paper copy and showcases the companies based in Catalonia and the productions they have been involved with. You can access it through this link: http://asp-es.secure-zone.net/v2/index.jsp?id=3434/13736/31434&lng=es.

Catalunya Film Commission

Catalunya Film Commission

The Catalunya Film Commission (CFC) is a service run by the Department of Culture of the Catalan Government to promote and facilitate film shoots throughout Catalonia and stimulate the growth and consolidation of the Catalan film industry and associ/filmmakers

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