THE VISIONARY - Part One "Light and Shadows" spans earth's history from the Creation of the World to the opening Ministry of Jesus Christ. Moses is used as the story-line vehicle for THE VISIONARY TRILOGY and as such Part One opens with the Patriarch Moses. In consequence to Moses' sin of striking the rock the aged prophet must lay down his life and die just short of entering the promised land of Canaan. Leaving the camp of Israel for the last time Moses climbs the mountain, depressed, guilt ridden and alone. On the mountain's peak, while overlooking the promised land in the hazy distance, Moses is given a supernatural vision of the entire span of earth's history. Part One - "Light and Shadows" covers selected highlights from the span of History recorded in the entire OLD TESTAMENT.
- Beautiful
- Courageous
- Fascinating
- Informative
- Ingenious
- Inspiring
- Jaw-Dropping
- Persuasive