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Warning! This video includes Violence, Strong Language

The Talk


Audience Awards

This video competed in
2017 Dramatic Shorts Film Festival

The Talk is a short film written and directed by Jay Ward in Atlanta, Georgia. It was shot in one weekend on a miniscule budget. We were lucky to have bi-coastal support from a producer and our female. . . e lead. A crew of volunteers worked their butts off to make this possible. There is a feature script for this film that we are hoping to start production on by the end of 2017. It was a long road to make this short. Three months of pre-production, two in post. I've never worked harder making something. We'v been lucky enough to have some incredibly talented crew and cast on it. I got the idea for The Talk in 2014. Initially, I started writing the end of the film. As I wrote, I realized I wanted to see the events that led up to it, so I began working backwards. Within the year, I had a feature version of the script completed. While I took some time off to work on a few other short films, as well as start working for the locations department on several film ad television shows, I kept getting a tug in the back of my mind. After almost a year, tug turned into a voice, screaming in my ear to make this. To take all the lessons learned over the course of the last two years and make something of substance. So I, along with a ton of others (we had a crew of almost 20!) planned and planned. This is the result of a labor of love, shot beautifully by Brett Driver. I hope you enjoy it, and want to see more! Please give us a look on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thetalkshort/?ref=bookmarks# The stars of this film are Heidi-Marie Ferren, Diesel Madkins, Joel Rogers, Ann Lukens and Jaiden Ramsuer. Every single one of them (especially Joel, who was a last minute replacement for our original star who had an unscheduled conflict) worked hard and were beyond professional. I literally cannot wait to wor with them all again. I know the tone and story are a little different, but my hope is that this film helps bring a lot of attention to a terrible disease. I studied Alzheimer's extensively while writing it, and consulted with nurses and doctors before going forward with my plan. I didn't want to use Alzheimer's as a joke or a crutch. It, and people who are afflicted with are not to be taken lightly. So I'm hoping that it touches you, and that together, we can start making strides to make the feature a reality  show more

  • Courageous
  • Informative
  • Jaw-Dropping
  • Persuasive

