Director(s): Samuel Lardner
In a gritty surrounding, after the world has fallen apart amidst the chaos of a viral outbreak, a young man finally meets his end. His transition to the next life begins. A surrealist short film focu. . . using on the transition from one life to the next. How the breakdown of life itself affects us and the true darkness that lurks in the shadows show more
- Beautiful
Tim8 years ago
Looks great, love the colours! Well done Sam!
Carol8 years ago
Well done Sam x
Carol8 years ago
Elizabeth8 years ago
good luck sam
Elizabeth8 years ago
Willian8 years ago
Well, seeing how well-edited it is and also how touching it made me feel, I just came on here to let you know you inspired me. I'm a singer and the message made me think of a music video for a song of mine. Thank you so very much for inspiring! Brazil is watching this video as well! Congrats!
Chris8 years ago
Voted, good luck Sam.
Alexandros8 years ago
it's PHENOMENAL, good luck!!
Roni8 years ago
Brilliant work with deep message and meaning! Good luck! :)
Michaela8 years ago
Amazing stuff little one, good luck!