When I was seven years old, I found my mother's dead body. She had been murdered by my father and he left her in her bed for me to find the next day. I wasn't prepared to deal with this trauma as a seven year old, so I buried it. As I became an adult, it got harder and harder to suppress. I knew the only way to put this behind me was to find my father and look him in the eye. Finding my father wouldn't be easy because he was deported to Thailand after serving his prison sentence and I hadn't spoken to him in over 27 years. But through perseverance and the support of family and friends, I went to Thailand, found him, and had a conversation with him. This documentary follows my struggles with PTSD throughout the years and how I went from not leaving my apartment for weeks at a time to gaining the courage to fly across the globe and find my father. There are laughs, cries, and everything in between. The film has a deeper and more personal approach than many other documentaries. There are many others who are survivors of violence, and my hope is that this film will inspire them to not give up and know they are not alone.