PEP! The Pet Education Project is turning kids into animal heroes by teaching respect and responsibility for their pets! With over 6,000 animals euthanized daily in the United States, it's my mission . . . to educate kids on the 5 Steps to a Happy and Healthy Pet! I've created PEP! because I believe that through education, we can stop pets from entering the shelters in the first place! With that said, PEP! has been my life and passion for the past 9 years! I have built PEP! from the ground up as a volunteer all while working a full time job! In November, I took a leap of faith and began working full time for PEP! it's my goal to reach kids everywhere! I have big dreams and winning this contest would help me tremendously to reach more kids show more
- Beautiful
- Courageous
- Fascinating
- Funny
- Informative
- Ingenious
- Inspiring
- Jaw-Dropping
- Persuasive
Santi8 years ago
I love PEP! I hope you guys win!!
Bruce8 years ago
I have worked with this project and seen the effects it has. Great project that deserves support!
Winnie8 years ago
Good luck! I hope PEP gets this! You guys deserve it!
Tommy8 years ago
Amazing work!!! This is so inspiring.
Pamela8 years ago supports adoption of ferals and rescues and responsible pet ownership with spays/neuters and vaccinations, along with proper care and education! Great job PEP! Adopt rescue kitties, not wildcats from breeders or stolen from the forest.... Thanks PEP! Big purrs! ??????????????
Clare8 years ago
I hope you win!!
Lindsey8 years ago
Such an amazing way to help control pet population and improve pet lives! Education is so important! Thank you!
Sue8 years ago
Erica and PEP! My two favorites! Positivity instead of negativity! It's about time in this world we live in! I knew you'd make it Erica! You are a true ANIMAL HERO!
Emma8 years ago
Your such a hero to so many pets in the world Im sure you have saved so many pets. I hope you win the 10k dollar prize. It would be such a blessing for pep!!
RatsDoMusically8 years ago