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Lost In The Moment // Real Montana


Montana Office of Tourism

This video competed in
Real Montana Video Contest

Director(s): Morgan Reichert

My entry to the Real Montana Competition. My Story: I am a 15 year old high school student. I have lived in Montana my entire life and i love it here. I am currently enrolled in Capital High school, Helena Montana. Film making is my favorite thing to do. About 4 years ago i started taking videos of my friends skiing at our local ski hill (great divide) I didn't really understand the editing part then so i just put raw clips on social media sights. I was soon introduced to some free editing programs such as windows movie maker. I started making some tiny ski edits ( they didn't get many views sadly). Then one day i realized that this is my favorite thing to do and i can make a career out of it. As i was enrolling for my sophomore year courses at my high school I got introduced to the video broadcasting teacher Mrs Heidi Hill. This year was my first year using adobe premiere pro and adobe after effects. Mrs Hill soon saw that i had a passion for film making so she showed me multiple competitions, Some that included radio adds and music videos. Then about one month she showed me this Real Montana Add competition right when i saw it i knew this was going to be my chance to make this more than just a hobby. So here it is and thank you for watching. - Morgan Reichert

  • Inspiring

