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Director(s): Tristan Wainwright

Originally made for the Pro8mm One Roll Challenge my film Hydrated was my first venture into Super8 Film Making so winning an Honorable Mention was exciting! The film features Earthman ( a human representation of the Earth) Who awakens to go out and start a long day spinning. Upon returning home from his workout he slumps in the chair only to discover how incredibly thirsty he now is, then bad things happen. Featuring a Special Guest appearance by the Earths and my favorite alien E.T. A Special Thanks to my mother Natasha Wainwright for rounding up bottles for me and all the bottle donors, My dad Jeff Wainwright for props and shooting for me so I could act in it, Victor DiGiovanni for helping us to edit this thing, John Ware for teaching me about frame rates on these old Super 8's, John Coffman, Julie Ann Faye, Robert McNaughton and Adam Egizi for supporting and encouraging me, My cousin and amazing musician Theresa Lee Whiting in New York for finding the right music and providing me with "Rain", Kiri and aConfluence for their amazing piece"Rakanaka", an extra special thanks also to Michael Keenan Esq for his help in the legal dept! This collaboration of people led to me being able to get this done, learn some lessons, and tell a good story thanks everyone! facebook.com/SupportTristan #AutismCan

