Director(s): Tim Staub, Nick Lindeke
Official selection of the Holden Village SnowDance Film Festival 2014, this short montage-style film was created as a by-product of a full length instructional film on how to brew beer from scratch wi. . . ith Terry Sanderson. Terry is a beer brewer from Washington who has developed a unique method for home-brewing starting with the basics; raw, unmalted barely and fresh, hand-picked hops. The full length DVD, "How to Brew Good Beer From Scratch" can be purchased by contacting Tim Staub at The cost is $12 plus shipping and handling. show more
Tim9 years ago - Edited
Check out my new film, Homebrew is where the heart it. It's a fun, light-hearted tale of a dear friend of mine who brews beer from scratch.
Erin9 years ago - Edited
Great characters! I loved the music....and the title is perfect!
Tim9 years ago - Edited
Thanks, Erin!