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Deep Roots Montana


Audience Awards

This video competed in
Art Montana Video Contest

Director(s): Caitlin Bailey

My entry for the Art Montana Competition. The Deep Roots Project was started by Lisa Wareham in Butte, Montana. This project aims to connect the past with the present and provide families with a uni. . . ique piece of family history. The goal is to photograph individuals at locations from their past, such as the steps of a neighbor's house that has since been demolished. Even better if 'before' and 'after' shots can be compared! The photographs are also accompanied by audio recordings of the individuals telling stories about the location and/or his or her life. This film is very important to me personally because I wanted to do something similar with my grandparents, but I was too late. I wish I had thought to record my grandfather's stories of storming the beaches of Normandy on D-day during World War II. Or how my grandmother became a nurse and moved from Wisconsin to Texas to treat a polio outbreak. My hope is that this film and Lisa's project inspires you to connect with your family and record your history. Lisa has truly turned this into an art that is not only important to the families, but to Montana as well. If you are interested, please feel free to contact Lisa about getting involved in the Deep Roots Project  show more

  • Beautiful
  • Courageous
  • Fascinating
  • Informative
  • Ingenious
  • Inspiring

