"When Audrey escapes the beautiful prison that is her marriage, her husband Daniel sends the ever bungling Tom to "take care of her". The results are as hilarious as they are heart breaking." This is . . . my first film as a producer and lead actor. It was such a wonderful experience full of surprises, ambition and a huge sense of hope. The short is originally 12 minutes (this is only the first half). We shot everything in the same hotel room under 14hs with 5 people, cast and crew included. Ah, the fun times show more
- Fascinating
Sylvia8 years ago
I love it!!
M8 years ago
Yess! My favorite!
Andrew8 years ago
Guillermo8 years ago
Love this one!! Bravo Erika.
Erika8 years ago
So exciting guys, we're nearly there! Love you all!
Erika8 years ago
Thank you guys for the continued support! We're getting close. Love to all of you!
Sean8 years ago
Super exciting! Strong female lead!
Alex8 years ago
AGREE WITH MATHIAS. Very nice film.
Kelly8 years ago
Mathias8 years ago
You know, the thrilling and comedy bits are great. But this film also speaks up to a lot of women who feel trapped in their marriages. This film has a serious issue that's important to acknowledge. Women who gather enough strength to leave their husbands and still feel that they are trapped. I'm a huge feminist and I think this film speaks to a lot of women at home that don't know how to leave and seek freedom and independence.